"Joan Howard In Seward Took Off My Sales"


These screenplays are only for the motion pictures arts.
All of mine on with WGA and ISBN's -- and no one can use these screenplays.
You may read the screenplays, but never use the screenplays for movies or you will be in trouble.

"A Death in Concord"
"The Raven's Treasure"
"The Nutcraker"

I have a new book,Souvenirs in Alaska" with my poems, art and pictures.
The book is 200 pages and the size is 8.5 x 11
It is only $50.00

Just a few pictures inside the book - 100 pictures, 100 poems -

About a year ago, I had bought a couple of earrings from someone who was in Etsy. I had never known about them. It was the first time I had figured out about them - but I was impressed because I saw that everyone had their own place that they could add beautiful things to make their places wonderful and it was not expensive to show their arts, clothings, vintage's, etc -- and Etsy were good at taking care of your own money -- all you have to do is send your item. And I entered my own page, called "Vintages And Books".

I decided to also enter another place that I had been on five years ago, called "Craig's List" and on that, you don't even have to pay for that place, and you can enter your items to any places in USA or every place on this earth. So I entered many of my items there. However, someone in Alaska saw my items and I had added my name and address, and she new whose item it was -- and in all of my 100 pages that I had entered, she had hit all of mine in a place called "delete" --and they were thrown out of the entire place of "Craig's List". I had worked on that about two days and decided to forget all about that. And anyway, many people who enter "Craig's List" do all kinds of dumb things and just want to get as much money as they can, as they try to get everyone's addresses and just want to received their items. I should have known that the crazy woman was already there and would do something devilish like that to me. So here is the video I made about that devil woman -

Here are a few poems I wrote which are in the book: